The Keto Diet: Worth It?

These days, it’s nearly impossible to get onto any type of social media without someone swearing up and down that the Keto Diet is the best thing to happen to their life. Is it though? Being bombarded with so many testimonials it’s hard to know what’s true, who to believe, and if the claimed science is actually factual, or if all of it is simply anecdotal evidence. I’ve taken the time to try and go through peer-reviewed research to get to the bottom of all this new diet fad and see if it’s actually all it’s cracked up to be and what is actually happening to your body as a result. 

 Keto focuses on very low carb, high fat, and moderate protein. The macronutrients breakdown is as follows: 60-75% of calories from fat (or more), 15-30% of calories from protein, and 5-10% of calories from carbs.  This is based on the premise that it will send your body into “ketogenesis” which is a natural result of starvation. It’s thought that because you are giving your body mostly fat and limiting carbohydrates, you will train your body to always be burning fat, especially during exercise and you will use it as the primary fuel source for all metabolic activity. As a result of very little carbs to fuel the Krebs Cycle (a series of chemical reactions to generate energy), your body starts to produce what are called Ketones (a type of acid), to try and produce energy However, with this excess acid in your system changing your pH balance, and a total diet change, a lot of people start to experience the “Keto Flu”. Your gallbladder goes into overdrive to try and breakdown all the fats, and your body’s function impairs because it’s not getting its normal fuel source of glucose. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headaches, body aches, constipation, weakness and cramps. Our neighbors tried Keto last summer and insisted we do it with them, especially after supposedly losing so much weight so quickly in the first two weeks. My wife was insistent the science behind it wasn’t sound. Then the keto flu hit and they were both violently ill and had to leave work because they couldn’t even stand up straight, and immediately made homemade pretzels that night to get some carbs. Admittedly, the keto flu hits differently for everyone and you do eventually get over it, but this is simply not worth it to me.  On the flip side, there is a lot of research out there that the keto has proven to be effective at treating a variety of diseases with significant and promising results such as Diabetes and Parkinson’s, which is amazing for those people. However, as an average couple trying to stay fit we just can’t get behind it. The side effects such as the possibility of gall stones, increased cholesterol, and higher blood pressure, just don’t outweigh the benefits for us. We’re going to have to pass on bacon every day and smothering cucumbers in melted butter.   

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