Don’t be “That Couple” at the gym!

We all know those people in the gym that are sitting on their phones texting their partner, playing twenty questions because they are still at the gym and according to some predetermined workout time allowance, they should have been done by now. There are also those people that are in the gym together kissing or maybe even getting uncomfortable close for all the rest of the gym goers, but when you’re in a relationship what is better?

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Let us start by telling you that we don’t have the answer and anyone that says they have the answer is lying. No two relationships are the same so there is no way for us to tell you yes you should work out together or not you shouldn’t workout together but what we can tell you is the stupid habits you need to cut out of your gym routine in either scenario.

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Working out alone from what we’ve seen is the route less couples take. Sometimes this is because of insecurities or someone else checking out your partners butt or because you want to check out your partners butt. Other times it’s a piece of the little time you get to spend together in this crazy fast pace life. That doesn’t mean that working out alone is a bad choice. We actually prefer to do this sometimes because we need our “ME TIME.” Now when you are on “ME TIME” it is great to stay in contact with your partner, but it is also important to understand that this time is a release from stressors and whatever else is going on and doesn’t need to be filled with text messages every 30 seconds ESPECIALLY if you are sitting on a piece of equipment! To avoid being “That Person” in the gym get off the equipment or wait to text back. We have talked about this a several times as a couple we don’t reply to texts while were in a set. That means that until we are done with the piece of equipment, we are on there is NO TEXTING. Now because we have talked about this and set this as our rule, we don’t have the issue of someone getting upset because they didn’t get a reply in 10 seconds after send the message.

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Now to talk about those horrible habits that we all notice of “Those Couples” at the gym. We love going to the gym together and working out together, but that’s the point we want to make, we like WORKING OUT together in the gym. That means we aren’t there to make out or see just how much awkward “spotting” we can do. We are there to workout and get out! We have all see those couples that are just way too touchy at the gym and it’s not necessary! People we get it you get in the gym you start getting a good sweat going and the blood is flowing those natural desires get amplified, but that doesn’t mean you have free rein to the gym equipment into the couch at your apartment. Get your workout in and take it home. Think of it this way if you wouldn’t do it in front of your mom you definitely shouldn’t be doing it in a gym full of strangers.

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So whether you choose to workout alone or as a couple please remember you are in public and there are other people that are trying to reach their goals too. Be courteous, be kind and keep make your goals fit.

What are some of the cringe gym habits you’ve seen that people should avoid? Comment down below and we’ll feature them in a future list of don’ts!

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